Monday, June 15, 2015

Blue Run Fun

DW’s family had a new dock built down at the river house. I’ll be honest and say I wasn’t too excited about it at first. I just couldn’t imagine how we were going to let our babies swim in the scary mud. (Not to mention the fact that momma, here, doesn’t do grass or mud either) ;) IMG_0741

Much to my surprise, (& I know as a result of a lot of work from the family) the mud has cleared out and we have the most perfect clear swimming spot!IMG_2795 The new dock is so great for our little ones and I couldn’t love the new set up more! My FIL, DW’s aunts and their cousins who all own the house together have done such a great job making the dock and our new swimming spot so nice. We can all sit on towels or chairs right on the riverbank and the kids can splash and play and go in and out by themselves. IMG_3030We bought a little plastic kiddie pool to take down by the water for Tucker & Parker and we set up an umbrella to shade it for them. IMG_7484IMG_0864It’s really just worked out to be so great. The dock is so nice, too, and its just so peaceful sitting out there. We had an extra porch swing, so DW took it down and the guys hung it up and we’ve all loved it. IMG_0707


We’ve spent two weekends at the river already this year ‘practicing’ for our summer week in July. IMG_0952IMG_3003




IMG_3006We all love Blue Run, but especially Mames. IMG_2875She’s decided this year that she’s scared of the ocean (the waves terrify her), but she LOVES Blue Run. IMG_2917 It’s perfect because she can walk in and out and the water isn’t very deep, so she can walk all around catching fish, or practice her swimming. Of course AB loves water of any kind- she is a water bug and has been swimming better than me since she was 3. IMG_2924

I’m not sure if it’s the deep breath we all take when we get there, or if it’s the memories we make while we’re there. Either way, it’s one of our most favorite places. IMG_2861

We’re counting down the days!!!


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