The title is for you, Steph. :)
Things are so busy with us right now. I know everyone feels the same way. But, life seems to be going ninety miles an hour these days. I’m still adjusting to the whole working again thing, that’s for sure! :)
I’m excited about everything we’ve got going on, though, and I see God’s hand in all of it, so I’m not complaining. It just means my house is a little a LOT messier than usual, I haven’t blogged in weeks, and I may have the signs of dark circles under my eyes. Ha…
Here’s a little of what we’ve been up to the last month:
- Basketball. We took AB to one of the last home basketball Gator games. Here she is with DW waiting on the bus to shuttle us to the O’Dome. The school bus ride was a HIT! She loves a bus!
Once we made it to our seats, she did the Gator chomp for at least 20 minutes straight. I don’t know when her Daddy has been more proud.
The second half of the game, we went up and sat with Adam & Lauren, so we were able to get a picture of all three of us.
- BUBBLES. AB is still OBSESSED with bubbles. EVERY TIME we go into a store that’s what she wants. If I’m even talking about going shopping or to the grocery store, she always make sure to tell me, “bubbles”… We have to buy them almost every time we’re out too, because she always spills them, so they don’t last long around here. At least their cheap. :)
- Church! We are re-doing our church’s nursery rooms in memory of Cooper. It’s been bittersweet for sure. That’s just the way our lives are now though. But it has been a blessing to do something in memory of our boy. I’ll post a lot more on that later. I have very much enjoyed all the shopping for the project, though! I LOVE getting mail/packages, so seeing the UPS and FedEx man come up our driveway almost every day has been fun. I don’t know how many loads we’ve made, but it’s been a lot! :)
- Mickey Mouse Live! We met up with Aunt Carrie & Allie Claire a couple weeks ago to watch Mickey’s Magic Show. Mickey and the gang were all there, but AB was most excited about seeing the Princess’! (She LOVES a “tin-cess” these days!).
Carrie made the girls the cutest shirts for the show and they were little dolls watching the mouse!
- We got a GOLFCART! I’m not sure who’s more excited about it, me or my girl. When we got it, DW told Annabelle that it was “hers and Mommas”, so every time we go out into the garage, she says, “OURS!” :) We do both love it and have had so much fun on it already! Any spare chance we get, we take a little ride!
- Annabelle has pink piggies! I painted her toenails on Tuesday, and she LOVES them. So do I! I can hardly stand it, they’re so cute!!! We are officially ready for summer and sandals!
- I finally made the time to put a few Easter/Spring things out around the house. There are no words for how good it felt to have some spring flowers in my door bucket and some Easter eggs scattered around the house! :) I’m a weirdo, I know.
On Wednesday, we took our yearly field trip up to the Mizell Chicken Farm and did our Easter Chick pictures! I’ll do a post on that soon, though! :)
Happy Weekend!
Annie, it was nice to read about what all you guys (and gals) have been up to. I know the feeling of being so busy these days and I know right where you are at about God's hand in all of it. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your life with us.
Arg what a blurred pictured I took sorry! Those giggles are too cute!
Thanks for the Ketchup. Love you! :)
It was good ketchin' up with you! Bubbles are fun and I think it's sweet that AB asks for them each time you go to the store. :)
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