This meant a small surgical procedure. I’m using the word “small” loosely, because when it’s your kid going under anesthesia and being cut on, it seems like anything but SMALL.
The specialist we saw, turned out to be the head of the department and was actually the same doctor who did hand surgery on my FIL years ago. He was wonderful with Annabelle.
The surgery was on a Friday, mid-March, and we were scheduled to arrive at the children’s surgical plaza at noon. Annabelle couldn’t have anything to eat or drink past midnight and by 1:00, she was getting really hungry and thirsty. The surgery ended up being at the same place that both of Cooper’s eye surgeries were and of course, it was emotional to be back there again.
My Mom met us at the surgery center and brought AB a prize, of course. It was one of the “smart watches” from V-Tech, and AB has loved it. She plays games on it, but what she loves most is the video camera on it.
We waited for a couple hours and finally around 2:00 they took us back to the pre-op area.
When the nurse came out to get us, I recognized her immediately. She had been the same nurse who was with us for Cooper’s surgery. She had a personality that was unforgettable. What a sweet gift to have her again, and come to find out she is retiring in May.
She was great with AB, too, and totally won her heart when she let her pick a Disney movie to watch.
Our Dr. and the anesthesiologist came over to talk to us and then they gave AB the “loopy juice” which made her sleepy within about 10 minutes. Another surprise came when a friend of mine from elementary school (we’re talking 20+ years ago) was also in the pre-op area and came over to see us and say hello. There’s something comforting knowing that someone who knows you, is behind the scenes taking care of your child when you can’t be. That made it much easier to watch her get wheeled away when the surgical team came to get her a few minutes later.
The doctor estimated the procedure to last around 75 minutes, so we went out into the atrium to wait. About 15 minutes later, my friend from elementary school, came out to give us an update on how to anesthesia went and to tell us they’d just began the surgery. It was so thoughtful and meant so much. My Dad got there around that time and we all waited until the Dr. came out to tell us it had gone well and that the nurse would come to get us as soon as we were allowed back in the post-op area.
She was eating a popsicle when they brought her out to us and she looked so big and so little at the same time. She was happy to see us all, and was so brave when they took out her IV. It helped tremendously that the tape the nurse used was pink and purple with hearts on it. :)
After a while of post-op observation, they let us take her home. She was still a little loopy from the anesthesia, but she did really well coming out of it.
My parents went and picked up dinner and met us back at our house, after we’d stopped at Pappy & Nie-Nie’s to pick up Maybree & Tucker. (Nie-Nie, too, had a prize for AB- and she was so excited to get the Frozen sing-along radio with a MICROPHONE. Any kids’ toy that comes with a microphone should also come with a mute button. I’m just speaking from experience. Ha.)
AB wearing her new watch and singing Frozen karaoke, hours after her surgery. We had to MAKE HER sit down and take it easy.
The next morning, she woke up at 4:30 ready to start the day. DW & I got up with her, and I was drooling on the couch while he was making her requested slushies (at 4:00 IN.THE.MORNING). We’d watched Big Hero 6 and a couple episodes of Doc McStuffins before the sun had even come up. She’s got sweet little friends, who were so thoughtful to send some “Get Well” prizes her way.
AB had to wear her hard cast for two weeks, to keep her incision clean and dry and protected from any bumps that might happen when you’re a kindergartener.
She was glad to get it off when the two weeks was up.
She’s had her post-op appointment and the pathology report came back with great news and it concluded that it was a benign fibroid tumor.
We’re glad that it’s behind us and thankful it was something so minor.
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