Friday, September 30, 2016

Touch-A-Truck 2016

If there’s anything our boy loves its tractors and equipment. IMG_6236I knew he’d love the Touch-A-Truck rally in Gainesville. Turns out Momma was right. IMG_6290We got to the event early, in hopes of not melting. It was nice for about 35 seconds, then the gates of you know where threw open and it was H.O.T.

We spent the morning going from tent to truck and truck to tent and seeing every thing they had to offer. IMG_6200IMG_6253IMG_6254IMG_6266IMG_6294



We even ran into Uncle Adam, Nen, Parker & Quinn! IMG_6311

DW wasn’t too excited about the whole deal when I first suggested it and said Tucker could have sat on almost all of the same equipment at home with no lines to wait in. To which I say, WHERE is your garbage truck, DW?  ;)IMG_6223

It really was a super fun morning and in the end even DW agreed, it was worth enduring the heat and crowd. (Of course that was after he got a free rain gauge from the GRU tent). IMG_6347~amw~

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