Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A Week on the Run

The week at Blue Run is always one of our favorite traditions and highlights of the Summer. IMG_4632

I say it all the time, but it really is one of our most favorite places. Even a rainy day at Blue run is better than a sunny day anywhere else.IMG_4404

This year, like all the rest, the week was so much fun. We spent almost every night down there, which we haven’t done in quite a few years. IMG_4900

The kids all did great sharing a room (all FIVE of us!) ;) IMG_4779and I know they love waking up with their cousins at the river. IMG_4732

We had an exciting afternoon on Saturday, when someone fell out of the “jumping” tree across the river (insert eye roll here) and the ambulance had to be called. Of course along with the ambulance comes the fire truck and sheriff’s deputies. We get really tired of the people who stop at the tree and climb it to jump out. Mostly because they’re usually young and intoxicated and it’s not just a climb and jump and go on their way… they homestead right across from us and cuss and carry on and usually at least once during the summer, we end up having to call the ambulance for someone. Saturday was the day and at least two people in our crew were excited to see the firetruck pull up. The little boys were thrilled.

The firemen were so nice and beyond sweet with the kids. IMG_4541They showed them the truck, told them to climb in it and blow the horn… they even had them trying on the fire suits.IMG_4557 Super nice guys and the kids thought it was the coolest thing ever.

During the week, Lauren & I planned dinners and cooked every night, so that the guys could just come straight from work, eat and hit the water or jump on the boat. We’re good wives like that. ;) We were trying to be extra mindful of our men this year, PLUS the fact that we have FIVE little kids made us really not want to have to drag into a restaurant every night to eat. Ha. ;) (& by ‘cooked’, I mean KFC takeout totally counts as cooking at the river) ;)IMG_4742

I was so happy when DW took a day off during the week to spend with us! He’d planned to take 3 when we were at the beach and since that didn’t work out, he ended up swapping it for a day while we were at the run. It was such a great day, too. IMG_4991We ended up taking the boat up to the head and stopping along the way to swim and walk down one of the spring fed creeks. IMG_5012IMG_5011

This year was another year of cute floats…IMG_4649

matching swimsuits…IMG_4496



Girls being girls…IMG_4485IMG_5146IMG_4951IMG_5097IMG_4864

and boys being boys…IMG_4455IMG_4707IMG_4795IMG_4591IMG_4766IMG_4784IMG_4825IMG_5091

This was also the week Mamie mastered her kayak! She was a pro by the middle of the week. IMG_4448IMG_4844

Another fun addition to the week was an RC speedboat DW found at Rural King. IMG_4824It was the best $20.00 he spent all week and he was kicking himself for not buying another one, so they’d have two to race and play with. IMG_4926The best was when we put this ginormous grasshopper on it and would sling it off in the middle of the river, then go back by and the grasshopper would jump back on for another ride. It was hysterical watching the grasshopper ride. IMG_4933

Another memorable moment was when Mamie lost her first tooth! IMG_5121It had been dangling for MONTHS, and on the last day at the river, she bit into an oreo and bam! It was out! She was so excited! IMG_5123

The last night we were there, we took one last boat ride, that ended up in a rainstorm. We made it back to the house and took cover, but it lasted for over an hour! It was well after dark before we could finish packing up and leave and by the time we pulled in with our loaded to the brim car, this is what the back seat looked like…IMG_5133

It’s always the best week and we’re always sad when it’s over.


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