1. I’ve mentioned it before, but my sweetheart has an intense hatred for what I call “gophers” (the yard variety, not to be confused with the turtle kind) and he calls them “salamanders” – He stalks them in our yard like a predator and any time he sees a new mound of dirt they've dug up, he sets a trap and waits. Unless, of course they’re digging then, and in that case, he gets his gun out and goes all sniper waiting them out. I’m not sure he gets more excited when he kills a buck or a turkey as he does when he gets a “salamander/gopher” --- So imagine his delight, when he and our big girl caught one on the trap they set a day or so earlier… So excited that he took a picture of their trophy…
(To clear up any confusion on her outfit of the day…she dressed herself) :)
I thought I was going to have to draw the line at him teaching her about the Avengers – she even knows Iron Man’s “real” name is “Tony Stark” – But I’m SERIOUSLY going to have to draw the line at her holding up dead rodents to have her picture made. I’m just waiting on her to add “BB Gun” to her Christmas list this year. :)
2. This girl loves to play peek-a-book (which we call “pee-pie”) and to be “got”… if you tickle her and then stop, she’ll throw her leg back up and say “get-get-get” so you can “get her-get her-get her” again. She’s SO.STINKING.SWEET & SUCH.A.HAND.FULL all at the same time.
Mames checking on “her” cows…
3. My SIL, Lauren and I went to see Chonda Pierce’s “Laughing Through It” show last Thursday. By night’s end we’d both eaten a bacon cheeseburger, laughed, and even cried a little. If that’s not the perfect combo for Girl’s Night then I don’t know what is. Chonda had special guest Geoff Moore (a Christian singer who was pretty big in the 90’s). He was so good and I think he may have sang “He Knows my Name” better than Chris Tomlin. His testimony was so good, too. Have you ever been listening to a speaker or singer and felt like you could totally relate to what they’re saying/singing? That’s a pretty neat feeling – but even better is when you’re with a person who knows you so well that without saying a word, they squeeze your arm and you know that they know exactly what it means. Our lives weren’t meant to be lived alone. “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2 I am so thankful for those closest to me – that they have shared (and continue to) my joys as well as my burdens. I consider it a great honor to get to do the same.
4. Nie-Nie’s birthday is today. Pappy had a dinner last night to celebrate her. The “I’m SO excited” picture was when she opened her present from Kels… plane tickets to see her “brother/boy” Sam & Gracie! It’s blurry, but when I had her reenact it so I could send it to Sam, it wasn’t the same. :) Proof you can’t fake excitement like that! Pappy asked me to do the cake, so I put a few of her favorite things together… white cake, butter cream icing, rice-Krispy treats and topped it with oreo truffles. If only I’d had a Kripsy Kreme donut to throw on top of that.
I’m totally not bragging, but it was over-the-top good, but so is Nie-Nie, so it was a perfect fit. :)
5. This week I’m on a mission… A cleaning & organizing mission. I’m only writing this out, hoping it will make me more accountable to follow through. I lost my engagement ring for two days last week. I was sick over it. Thankfully, after searching for hours yesterday afternoon, I found it. It had gotten scooped up with a bunch of stuff of our countertop and thrown in the diaper bag. While searching high and low, though, I was ashamed at the current cleanliness of our home. We’ve got drawers that need purged, beds that need vacuumed under and baseboards that need washing! It’s probably going to take longer than this week, but I’ve got to get it done (especially while I’m feeling motivated to tackle it!) Ha… :) We’ve got to get that out of the way, so we can proceed with all of our summer fun!
And just because it’s pure sweetness…
Oh my goodness, girl...I literally laughed out loud at the gopher. That's just like squirrels around my house. Wyatt keeps a .22 by the door to shoot them. It's some sort of game to them. I've honest to goodness seen my husband more than once dressed and ready for church in a full suit and tie stalk one from the front porch and then leave it there while we load up and head to worship! Gotta love it! The GNO sounded awesome! Love that scripture! Your sweet girls are just precious...what a beautiful gift they are!!!
I had to take a minute after seeing Annabelle and the salamander!!! Lawsy :) That girl is too much!
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