Our girls turned 7 and 4 this year!
Seven seems so grown-up. I can vividly remember many things about being seven years old myself, and it’s crazy to think that AB is that same age.
Maybree has always seemed older because of her broad vocabulary (thanks to having an older sibling), but lately she’s even started looking more grown-up, too. She’s lost that toddler look and looks like a full-blown preschooler for sure.
Mames testing out the seat on her birthday bike
For their birthdays this year, we decided to just have a family party. We had it on a Friday night and I let the girls pick and plan everything. They chose rice and stew-beef gravy (one of their favorite home cooked meals), lima beans and biscuits as the menu. For cakes, Mamie wanted a strawberry cake with pink icing (she’s very detailed)
and AB wanted a cookie cake.
After dinner and cake, it was present time.
The girls opening thier gifts from their baby brother. Tucker (wink, wink) got the girls each a ring with a little pink stone for thier birthdays.
The last thing they’d planned was to dance to all their favorite songs. They made their picks and DW made a playlist for the TV. The songs were “The Popsicle song” (Pop-see-ko), “Kitty High-Five” (both of which a little “brain-break” songs they do in AB’s class at school, “The Whip & Nae-Nae” (kidz bop edition) ha! and “Who let the dogs out” (which happens to be Tucker’s most favorite… he dances and says, “whooo? whooo?” through the whole thing). They are hilarious to watch singing and dancing to all of these songs and it was so much fun letting the rest of the family see what dance-offs look like at our house with our crazies. :)
After everyone had gone home, the girls thanked us probably three times for such a fun birthday. It really was a fun night and the simplicity of it made it even more sweeter to me.
We made thier actual birthdays their special day, too. Annabelle woke up to birthday wishes from Elf-Elf and donuts from Daddy. At school, she was surprised with flowers from Pappy & Nie-Nie.
Her class was very busy getting ready for their Christmas program, so we couldn’t do cupcakes at school, but we did get to send in cookies and her class sang Happy Birthday to her. That night, the girls had dance, so after AB got to pick where we went for dinner. She chose Bill’s then we went back to Grammy & Pop’s where Pop surprised her with a DQ ice cream cake, and we sang AGAIN. :)
Mamie woke up on the 15th to wishes from Elf-Elf, too and of course donuts from Daddy. If anyone in the family should wake up to donuts on thier birthday, it’s Mames. Her favorite is a pink sprinkled one.
She got to pick where she wanted to go for dinner, and of course chose Texas Roadhouse for a steak and “baked ra-tato.” They sang to her and that was the cherry on top. We got home to find the DQ Frozen cake Pop & Grammy had left for her.
She was so excited that it had her name on it.
Pappy surprised her with a Frozen light-up display and she couldn’t wait to get home, get her jammies on and go to bed, so she could turn it on. Who knew this was the ticket to an easy bed time routine.
I’ve said since day 1, if there was ever a family who would make sure to not let thier birthdays get overshadowed or downplayed because of them being in December, it’s ours. It’s always a busy time of year, but everyone is so great about intentionally making sure the girls feel celebrated on thier special days.
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