The last few weeks of school were super busy this year.
The month started out with Teacher Appreciation Week. We did a little treat each day for AB’s two teachers. Some were original ideas, and some were Pinterest-inspired. They all turned out cute and hopefully her teachers felt appreciated.
Toward the end of the school year, we’re like most people and limping toward the finish line. AB gets harder to wake up in the mornings and most days takes a lot of pushing to get moving and motivated. One Monday morning toward the end she even started with the tears and begged me not to take her that day. Since we’d already received ‘'THE attendance letter” there were no more days to miss and I made her go. That afternoon she hopped in the car with the biggest grin and declared it the BEST DAY EVER. She had gotten notice that she’d been chosen as a Safety Ranger for the next school year. My little rule follower couldn’t have been any more excited as she showed off her “Ranger in Training” badge.
There were no more morning tears for the rest of the school year, either- and she JUMPED out of bed every morning to get dressed and begged to get there early so she could do her job. Ha.
A friend snapped this pic and sent it to me of her working the parent pick-up area after school. She takes it very seriously. Ha.
Donuts with Dad was another hit this year. AB loves when DW can pick her up from school (which is most early release days since he’s home for lunch), so the one day a year he gets to take her to school is a big deal, too.
Field day was also a big deal this year. I met Grammy at the school so we could watch her in her activities. I will say Field Day is not what I remember it as when I was a kid. We did real races and relays and there were ribbons at the end.
But, all the kids had the best time with the water activities and of course the highlight for all of them were the two big water slides.
The countdown is finally getting close! School’s ALMOST OUT!!!!