Friday, October 14, 2016

Hurricane Clean Up…

I had my scarecrows on the fence and Fall flowers by our drivewayIMG_6765

but had to pack it all up safely in the garage when the forecast called for hurricane wind and rain. IMG_6775

We got a couple days off school, and the worst of it was projected to be Friday night and Saturday morning. We moved DW’s truck in the garage, the kids’ powerwheels out to the shed, and them into our room for the night. IMG_6774IMG_5463IMG_5468

Hurricane Matthew did bring some wind and a little rain, but the weather was clear Saturday afternoon when the kids were all napping & DW & I were watching TV in our living room.

Out of no where we heard a loud break and then the power went out. We both knew what had happened and ran to the kitchen window to see. IMG_6808

Just Thursday my father-in-law was saying how the big water oak on the edge of our yard makes him nervous during storms and he was really worried it was going to go soon.

Pappy called it and the huge water oak just couldn’t handle the weight of the extra water. IMG_6807

We’re so thankful it didn’t fall on the girls’ playhouses or do any major damage. The way it split, half of it fell on our fence and the other half fell toward the house. IMG_6793

It did pull the main power line out of the roof and we had to have an electrician come and get that hooked back up.

Clean up started the next day…IMG_6834IMG_6836

On Monday, the girls were out of school, so we picked up limbs and did our part, too. :)IMG_5485IMG_5480IMG_5487IMG_5492

The sunsets during the storm week were unbelievable. A camera never does God’s natural beauty justice. I love that. IMG_6714

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