If any of our children’s baby years have flown by, it’s Tuckers! I feel like we blinked and he turned three years old.
TDW – the day he was born, his first birthday, second birthday & third birthday
I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that this next school year will be his last at home with me. I can’t even think about Pre-K yet, but I know it’s just right around the corner.
Pics from the last year
To me, he’s still so much of a baby and I guess she he is ours, he’ll always seem that way to me.
As much as I deny it, he is very much a big boy these days and still loves all things heavy equipment and tractors. So for his birthday this year, we had a small family party with a green and blue tractor theme. He’s not particular, any color tractor is his favorite. ;)
We got a Chick-fil-A nugget tray (because that has seriously turned into my kid-party-go-to) for dinner and opened presents first.
Tucker was excited to open his presents and was adorable opening all of his gifts. Our gift wasn’t wrapped, so he had to go to the front porch to see it…
He was so excited to get a Gator of his own.
Gator rides for everyone then it was time for cake and ice cream.
Tuck is making progress with being okay around birthday candles. After his second birthday candle incident, we weren’t so sure.
I did light them earlier this week and practice, so he could see it wasn’t going to burn him.
Bless it.
It was a sweet evening celebrating our baby boy who’s loved so very much.
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