1. My brother’s family came down and spent the long weekend. We had supper at my parents’ on Friday night and then Saturday night we went out to DW’s family’s hunting camp to cook shrimp and oysters. My Dad got 5 lbs. of shrimp and a half a bushel of oysters, plus another pint to fry. (plus we had our sides)- He was worried it wouldn’t be enough food. If we send him to the store to pick up two things, he always comes back with two bags full. I love that, because I love to eat and eat well. :) My in-laws joined us at the camp, too.
It was fun to sit around the fire outside. Everyone sitting at the really long table eating in the cook house felt like a scene out of Phil & Kay’s house at the end of every DD. Especially with my brother, Beau, talking about the time he killed a bear and how it nearly killed him dragging the thing out of the woods, but not as much as when he tried to cook and eat it.
2. Beau’s crew came because it was my Mom’s birthday on Friday. My Mom’s the best and on Wednesday night when she cooked us some fried chicken she totally sealed the deal. :) My mom always took great care of our family. She still does. She’s the kind of mom who puts everyone ahead of herself. The kind that even though she works a full time job, will call and invite my little family over for supper, so that I don’t have to worry about cooking that night. She’s the kind of mom that speaks truth in our lives – even when it’s not what we want to hear. We may be full grown adults with children of our own, but she’ll always be the first to tell us if she feels something we’re doing is wrong. I think that’s certainly a quality that takes much love and great character- there’s never a doubt- she’s always on our side, but that doesn’t mean she won’t call us out on something when we need it. I’m sure we’ll always need it. At least one of us will. (I’m looking at you, Beau.) Ha. She’s the kind of mom who’s prayed over us and for us our entire lives. She’s the kind of mom who’s fun and adventurous. She loves nothing more than getting out of the house to do something! She’s the kind of mom who doesn’t really see the “sense” in putting up more than a simple tree for Christmas – but will come over year after year and help me put out my 15 bins. :) She’s kind to everyone, trustworthy and fiercely loyal. She’s pretty great- and the only thing she’s better at than being a mom, is being a Grammy. We all love her so much and are so thankful that she’s ours.
3. Mamie had her first kiddie cone this week. It was a hit. Who doesn’t love an ice cream run in your pjs?
4. AB got to do a little shopping this week. She went Monday with Grammy and Thursday with Nie-Nie. She came home with: Barbie perfume, a tiny chia-pet, a seahorse t-shirt with a googly eye on it, a purple hula hoop and a king size bag of M&Ms. I have laughed and laughed over the treasures she picked out.
5. Mames still isn’t walking, but she has taken a couple of steps…She’s actually trying a little more and this week has been pushing her baby stroller all over the house! She’s so serious about it and it’s the cutest thing ever!!
Happy Weekend!
Mamie pushing that stroller makes me smile and laugh because I have been meaning to tell you that the little stroller you bought Allie has gotten a second life with Whitt. He loads his tractors in the seat and pushes it all over our house :) Poor thing.
i am not quite sure about comment #2... but I loved what you wrote about your mom!!! She is so amazing and I am so glad to know her...and the apple does not fall far from the tree. You have gotten all her good genes!!! I am extremely proud to know and LOVE you both!!! :) w-s-m
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