Soon after her second birthday party, AB was ready for another one! She told us right away for her next birthday she wanted a Mickey Mouse party. A few months ago, I started pinning ideas on Pinterest for a Mickey/Minnie Mouse Birthday. Thankfully, before I started buying or making anything Mickey mouse themed, AB announced she wanted a Tangled a party instead.

Our girl loves Rapunzel, even though she never calls her by name…always “Tangled.” The movie is a favorite of hers and we’ve all seen it at least a hundred times.
I found lots of cute ideas via Pinterest and the birthday party planning and prep began! My mom and I worked on party stuff for two weekends straight. By the time it was over, we had braided more tiny little braids than we ever want to again, that’s for sure! 
First the invites: (a copy cat Pinterest idea, and super easy…)

We had the party in our sunroom and in the area outside of the sunroom in our backyard. The weather was great that day and worked out nicely to have the eating tables outside. It was a little windy, so everything got blown around, but it wasn’t raining, which was perfect to me! :)

This year, we went with a smaller crowd again, and only invited our immediate family. We did let AB invite a couple little friends, though. She was so excited about her party and her “fwends” coming to her house! :) She invited her BFF, Allie Claire and a little friend from church. 
“EJ” (AB’s church friend) Allie Claire, AB & cousin Warren

For an activity, we had the kids paint canvases, since Rapunzel paints in the movie. 

I got the cute purple and pink “castle” tent for $5.00!!!
I saw it in several stores’ sales ads for Black Friday. I think the cheapest it was that day was like $19.99. I thought it would be cute for the party, but passed on buying it. Then, the week of the party, I got a coupon in the mail for $10.00 off any purchase at JCP. The Sunday paper came and JCP had a sales flyer that advertised the same castle tent for $14.99 that week! So I used the coupon and got it for $5.00!!! It was meant to be. :)
The kids (and Aunt Nen) enjoyed playing in it that day…
It was a cute addition to the party and AB has LOVED playing in it since! 
We also put the play table outside with a Rapunzel playset on it for the kids to play with. 
For food, we went super simple… I made up some Italian and Turkey subs, had PB&J’s for the kids, pasta salad, chips & dip and a fruit/cheese tray that my Mom did for me. 

For the cake, I decided cupcakes would be easiest and since I was 4 days from having a baby, EASY was GREAT! :)
BUT, I wanted to try to make a “Tangled Tower” as AB calls it, out of fondant, so I baked a small cake and made the tower for the topper. AB LOVED it, which made it so worth it. :) I made the base of the tower out of rice krispy treats and then covered it with fondant. 

Decorations were pretty simple, too… I bought a bunch of purple chinese paper lanterns from Hobby Lobby and had DW hang them in the sunroom.

We blew up some balloons, and made some pennant banners to match the ones in the movie. My Mom & I made them with scrapbook paper and cut the sun from a Cricut cartridge. DW’s aunt has EVERY cartridge there is, so I didn’t even have to buy a new one, I just borrowed hers. :)
We made a backdrop for the cake by using cheap plastic table cloths, then just added some of the pennant banner to it. 
I did make the Towers on the table from a Pringles can and a christmas tree cone I found at Hob Lob.
For the windows and castle part, I used scrapbook paper and hot glue.Then just added some moss and flowers… The first one took me over an hour to make and I almost didn’t make a second one, but it went lots faster, so I’m glad I did! 
This cabinet sits in the sunroom, so I just used it to display the party stuff. DW’s saddle also sits in the sunroom, too, and instead of moving it out for the party, I left it and we said it was “Maximus’” (the horse in the movie’s) saddle. :)

My mom made the long tangled braids for the centerpieces (another Pinterest inspired idea). 
We also made Pascal party horns and while they turned out looking silly to me, the kids loved them…

Instead of party hats, we had party crowns with Tangled braids.
I’d made plenty in case AB insisted that everyone have one (you never know), but the kids were the only ones who ended up with them. 

“Rapunzel, let down your hair!”
Even cousin Warren was a good sport and wore one… I said they looked like little rat tails and they really did on him. Ha…
We only had 4 kids (2 boys and 2 girls), so party favors were easy.
For the girls, I found these little wooden castles at Hobby Lobby (they were even the party colors, pink & purple!) for like a quarter each. I added a “Tangled” braid to them and a ribbon to make them into bow holders and stuck a couple hairbows on them. (This was the only thing I didn’t copy from Pinterest!) :)
The girls also got some other hair goodies, including a brush set so they could, “Brush and Brush and Brush their hair.” We found the Tangled coloring/sticker packs in the dollar bin at Target. 
The boys were a little harder, to come up with boyish treats that were movie inspired. They got a horse (“Max”), a Pascal wind up toy, and then hand-cuffs and a Wanted Wollie Willie (these were because of Flynn Ryder being a criminal in the movie and the Wanted posters they put up of him.) I was reaching, but if you saw the movie, you’d get it. :)

Ready to pass out her party favors…
It was a fun few hours and everyone was so sweet to come celebrate our girl.

Cousin Taylor & Allie helping the birthday girl with her gifts.
When she laid down that afternoon for her nap, she said, “Mine’s party was so fun, Momma.” Just the words this momma wanted to hear.
