Sunday, August 2, 2015


We lost our minds and got a dog. IMG_6421
The funniest thing was when I posted pictures of him on Instagram, so many people commented and texted me saying, “WHAT in the world?!?!? You’re not a pet person!!!!????”  Which is pretty accurate.
Both mine and DW’s families always had a dog when we were growing up, but I don’t consider us to really be “pet people.” In my mind, “Pet People,” are the ones who push their pets in strollers and take them on vacation and expect everyone else to love them as much as they do. Ha.
I’m allergic to pet dander, so inside dogs make me sneeze my head off and it’s safe to say with three little kids I have enough to clean up after without adding an inside dog to the mix, so we’d always said when our kids got older, we’d get an outside dog.
We’d been over at my parents one Saturday evening and then stopped by my uncle and aunt’s house to see some work they’d done on their porch, when we saw one of their dogs had had puppies. They wanted to get rid of them, offered us one and when we saw Jud, we decided, “why not.” It was sooner than we’d planned, and we didn’t have anything for him, but we brought him home anyway.IMG_6344
We named him Judson, because that’s where he and I both came from. :) Annabelle wanted to name him Peanut, so we made that his middle name. Maybree’s vote was for, “Mermaid Tail.” We all vetoed that suggestion. We call him “Jud” for short.
We stopped on the way home and got some puppy food and a few things for him that night.
The next morning, we got him a good bath and I tied a little bandana around his neck. IMG_6187DW quickly let me know I wasn’t going to girly up our dog. Ha.
That afternoon, we did some more shopping for Jud. We thought we’d hit Petsmart and get everything on our list. The fact that we had a list, make me think we’d maybe crossed over and turned into “Pet-People.”
Within two minutes, I’d decided that was in fact, NOT the case. We high-tailed it out of PetsMart before my throat swelled shut from all the animal hair flying around and before I offended the pet people who I thought had lost their minds for paying $30.00 for a dog collar. Yeah, we’re NOT pet people.
We hit the Wal-Mart and got our puppy a $2.96 collar and I splurged and got him the $6.00 engraved tag. Because, hello, it’s got his name on it and it’s in the shape of a dog bone.IMG_6292
We got home and I personalized his things and DW told me again, not to be make our dog girly. :)  IMG_6295IMG_6297

Juddy-Boy had an appointment with the vet for vaccines and a well-check the Monday after we got him. Our vet, who's been a friend of DW's family for many years said Jud looked great. He also told DW that his granddaddy would be proud that he had dewclaws. He said he remembered DW's granddaddy telling him the old wivestale that if a dog had dewclaws and got bitten by a rattlesnake he wouldn't die. Ha.

Jud’s turned out to be such a sweet puppy and has already made himself a part of our family. IMG_6405The kids all love him and really we do, too. IMG_6334We’ve had him two months now. We’re still working on the jumping up part, but he’s a puppy, so we know it will take some time. He hasn’t pooped or pee-peed in our garage one time and from what I hear that’s HUGE. He does his business in the woods and I think he must have known I wasn’t enough of a “pet person” to put up with having to deal with that. Ha. Right now, he’s chewing up EVERYTHING and we’re trying really hard to be patient. We hear it takes about a year to outgrow that stage. He’s so funny though, because he KNOWS he’s chewed up something he’s not supposed to when we go outside and he’ll throw his paw over his head and not look at us. It’s hilarious.
While we’re definitely not “pet people” – we’re sure glad we got ours. Maybe we’re dog people??… or at the least, “Jud people.”  DSC_3211

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