Wednesday, December 14, 2016

AB is 8!

It doesn’t seem possible, but AB turned 8 on the 9th!

She started the day with a birthday greeting from the Elf, birthday breakfast compliments of Daddy, and we even let her have her birthday present! IMG_2081Usually we get the girls a new outfit to wear on their birthday that they get to open that morning, but they have to wait until their party for their main gift. But this year, we decided to let AB have her present that morning. IMG_2077

Her birthday was also the day of the Student of the Month assembly.

At lunch, I took Subway and ate in the lunchroom with her, and brought cupcakes for her class.IMG_2097IMG_2098

That afternoon, Emma came home with us. The girls played and AB tried out her new bike…IMG_2149

That evening, we went up to White Springs to see the Festival of Lights. IMG_2224

On Sunday morning, we did a birthday breakfast with the family before church. IMG_2281

IMG_2293I wasn’t a very good picture taker, but we did get one of our family together…


and Grammy taking AB’s new bike for a spin… HA!IMG_2297

It was a weekend full of celebrating our oldest girl who is loved so very much.


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