- Tucker loves his Christmas tree in his bed room. This year he was really into playing with the CAT train that goes around the bottom of it.
- I worked the Santa shop on a couple days for PTO at the girls’ school. It’s always precious and as busy as this season is, I am always so glad I took the time to help out there. This year the school had our local firefighters come in and help the kids shop, too. It was adorable and the kids loved it.
- The children’s choir sang a song with the adult choir during their cantata, and Tucker loved seeing his sisters in front singing. He also clapped and yelled, “Yay! GRAILS! (how he says “girls”) when the song was over. It was slightly embarrassing, but super cute.
- Another December Sunday morning…
- When my Granny died and my mom and aunts went through her things, they gave me these ornaments that were in her Christmas bins. They always make me smile when I pull them out of my Christmas stuff. I made the paper plate- glitter angel when I was in Kindergarten, and Granny always hung it on her tree (even if it was on the back) ;) The green wreath is one Beau made in Elementary school for Granny, too. The world would be such a better place if everyone had somebody to love them the way my Papa & Granny loved us. The icicle was one of my favorites when I was little. She had a lot of them back then, but there were only a few left in her bins. I would pick my teeth with the pointy ends when I was little, which is probably why she didn’t have many left. A couple years ago, I found some like them at Hobby Lobby and we have a set we hang on the girls’ tree in their room now. They always bring back memories of helping Granny get her tree up as soon after Thanksgiving as she could do it!
- We had our 4H Christmas party and this year had everyone bring a cookie or treat to swap and everyone went home with a sack of treats. We made peanut reindeer to take the nursing home for our service project for this month.
- My favorite Christmas candle that my BFF introduced me to last year. I burn one everyday when I’m home.
- We made icicles! The kids love when it gets below freezing and daddy sets up the sprinkler!
- We hit the after Christmas sales hard for more lights for our yard. We’re getting kind of Clark Griswald around here and getting a little obsessed with lighting up the house. We couldn’t tell Tucker no when he saw this giant Christmas Mickey Mouse on clearance. This is one of those things I’m eating my words on. I’ve never been a fan of a yard blow-up. Now we not only have a yard blow-up, but it’s a CHARACTER. I don’t even know myself. With a week left in December, we came home and blew that thing up to see what it looks like! Ha. We’ll move Mickey over by the playhouse next year for the kids.
- We also found these giant Christmas bulbs to hang from a tree in our yard. I think they’re border line tacky, but still really cute. I think they’ll be cute on the kids’ playhouse, over by giant Santa Mickey next year.
- DW has gotten some home projects done around the house this week since he’s been off for Christmas. The most exciting one (for Tucker, anyway), has been Tuck’s new sandbox. Santa brought him an excavator, so Daddy built him a sandbox to go with it and brought in a load of sand.
Tuck loved supervising and then assisting.
- The girls are obsessed with music and singing. We’re always getting “tickets” to their concerts and dance parties.
- We have loved having Daddy home this week. Several times this week, we’ve took off for Gator rides around the farm.
One day it was too cold for the Gator, so we took DW’s truck. Tucker brought his toy shotgun he got for Christmas and pretended to shoot hogs the whole time.
What is it about little boys acting like little men that is so stinking adorable?
- Speaking of which…
- Tuck started shaving. I can’t even take him with his Spider-Man shaving cream and razor. It’s TOO.MUCH.
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